How To Pronounce Echari

How to Pronounce Echari

Echarri Pronunciation

Echarri is a Spanish surname. It is pronounced with an "eh" sound, like the word "bet". The "ch" is pronounced like the "ch" in the word "church". The "i" is pronounced like the "i" in the word "sit". The "r" is rolled, like the "r" in the Spanish word "perro". The "i" is pronounced like the "i" in the word "sit".

Pronunciation in Different Languages

Echarri is pronounced differently in different languages. In Spanish, it is pronounced "eh-cha-rri". In English, it is pronounced "eh-char-ee". In French, it is pronounced "eh-sha-rri".

Here are some examples of how Echarri is pronounced in different countries and languages:

  • Spain: "eh-cha-rri"
  • England: "eh-char-ee"
  • France: "eh-sha-rri"
  • Germany: "eh-cha-rri"
  • Italy: "eh-cha-rri"

You can listen to the pronunciation of Echarri in different languages by clicking on the following links:

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